
д-р. Д. Пискулийска

Dr. Dalia Piskulyiska - psychologist



Consultation - BGN 50.00


психология варна

The realm of diagnosis involves psychological measurements using testing methodologies to identify possible cognitive and emotional disturbances that accompany anxiety, depression and other types of conditions and illnesses. They are used to make differential diagnoses to specify mental and psychiatric illnesses in children and adults.


Cognitive-behavioural therapy is a scientifically proven method of influencing emotional and mental problems. It is based on the idea that the way we perceive events (cognition) gives rise to feelings (emotion) and determines our actions (behavior). Therefore, the interpretation, not the specific event, determines each of our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. It is based on the concept that negative thoughts give rise to behaviour that is out of proportion to the situation. The main goal of this type of therapy is training in recognizing negative thoughts, correlating them with reality, coping with them, and replacing them with their positive and self-supportive counterparts, resulting in a normalization of the emotional state. The skills learned are a successful coping strategy in everyday and stressful

The proportion of cognitive and behavioural methods used varies depending on the specific needs. This type of treatment differs considerably from many other types of psychotherapy, with specifics in the course including the following:
- the client/patient actively participates in the therapy: unlike psychoanalysis, where patients tell what is bothering them in general and engage in chaotic reflections, here the therapy focuses on a specific problem and its solution with the help of the patient;
- the client/patient and the therapist are equals: the patient is not dependent on the therapist, the relationship between them is focused on the problem and the two together try to find a solution.

In general, cognitive behavioural therapy can be used successfully to treat the following diseases and conditions:

Treatment of:

- chronic pain
- eating disorders, such as bulimia and anorexia, and obesity;
- unstable mood
- obsessive-compulsive disorder
- phobias, tics
- post-traumatic stress
- sleep problems
- behavioral disorders in childhood
- problems with bonding and making connections with other people
- irritable bowel syndrome
- depressive episodes
- increased irritability and aggressive behaviour
- anxiety, panic attacks
- hypochondria
- chronic fatigue syndrome, difficulty concentrating.