Transcranial magnetic stimulation

др пламен димитров

Dr. Plamen Dimitrov, PhD - Neurologist

Transcranial magnetic stimulation - PRICES:


Transcranial magnetic stimulation single procedure - 60 lv.

Transcranial magnetic stimulation - course of 10 treatments - BGN 600.

What is transcranial magnetic stimulation?

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a new non-invasive treatment method in which repetitive magnetic pulses are directed to specific areas of the brain. The idea of the method is to use a directed magnetic field in the activation or deactivation of specific areas of the brain. These magnetic pulses pass painlessly through the human skull and reach the brain cells, stimulating them and improving communication between different parts of the brain. When these pulses are repeated at regular intervals - this is known as Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS). The pulses are produced by placing a magnetic head in the area above the scalp - they are the same as the pulses produced by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance.

Conducting magnetic pulses into the brain probably sounds quite frightening to many of us, and probably also brings up associations from movies with startling shock therapy scenes that look more like torture than real treatment. ( The scene in question is from the movie One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975) with Jack Nicholson). BUT we have taken the time for this article to convince you that ТМS has nothing to do with such type of conceptions - it is safe, painless and above all non-invasive method - ie no anesthetics, penetration into the body or recovery time. As a matter of fact, in a large percentage of cases the side effects are significantly less than those when using antidepressants.

Transcranial magnetic stimulation is a good alternative for patients in whom drug treatments are contraindicated or inappropriate because of their side effects, allergies, intolerance or because of pharmacophobia.


In what conditions is pTMS applicable?

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation is a relatively new, non-invasive method used in the treatment of depression and other mental disorders.

High effectiveness is observed in patients with the following diagnoses:

  • Psychiatry:

☑ Treatment of depression;
☑ Anxiety disorders (Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Generalized anxiety disorder, Anxiety-depressive disorder, Stress reactions, etc.);
☑Increased anxiety and insomnia;
☑ Burnout syndrome (occupational exhaustion);
☑  Autism.

  • Neurology:

☑ Ischaemic strokes: appears to be particularly effective
the method of recovery after strokes. In TMS treatment
observed increase in the amplitude of movement of the affected
limbs, improving speech, as may be affected
positively and lesions from ischemic strokes of long duration;
☑ Neuropathic pain
☑ Tinnitus
☑ Migraine

The method also finds application in the treatment of addictions - alcohol, drug, narcotic. It is considered to be among the most advanced forms of treatment for these conditions.

What are the advantages over other methods?

The essential difference in pTMS compared to other methods of brain stimulation (such as electroconvulsive therapy, so-called electroshock therapy) is that transcranial magnetic stimulation is a completely non-invasive method, i.e. the equipment for Transcranial magnetic stimulation functions entirely outside the person's body and no anaesthetic is required, making the procedure very well tolerated and side effects very limited. The other major advantage is that since it is outside the patient's body, there is no recovery time, . As a matter of fact, immediately after the therapy session you can return to your daily activities (this is confirmed by the experience already gained at SanaMedic Medical Center).

 With Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) the activity of certain areas of the brain is influenced by passing the magnetic head of a device over the area in question and emitting magnetic pulses with certain characteristics.
When magnetic pulses are applied in series at different frequencies, a lasting effect is induced on the functional activity of the stimulated brain structures.

How does the procedure work?

Before starting a therapeutic course, a preliminary examination by a neurologist is always carried out. Depending on the patient's condition, it is also determined how long the treatment will last. Usually, between 10 and 15 sessions are needed to monitor the results of the treatment. The duration of a session varies between 20 minutes and 1 hour and it is recommended to have sessions 5 days a week. Typically the course lasts from 3 to 6 weeks - of course this period can be shorter or longer depending on how the patient responds.

In some cases 1 session may be enough to notice an effect. But relief usually begins to be seen after the 1st week of treatment.

During the therapy itself, the patient does not experience pain or any other unpleasant sensation. While the treatment lasts, you are placed in a comfortable and soft armchair, where you can relax and quite calmly sink into your own thoughts and forget that you are even in a medical center.

транскраниална магнитна стимулация

How long does the effect last after a successful course?

How long the results would last depends on a number of factors, chief among them:

  • Age
  • Observation of early indications of good susceptibility to treatment
  • The severity of the mental disorder and the symptoms

How long the effect will last varies from patient to patient. There are cases where the patient continues to experience the effects of the treatment a year after its completion, in other cases maintenance sessions are needed at set intervals to avoid a recurrence of symptoms.

What are our observations in MC SanaMedic?

Accumulated in our center for the past nearly 5 years practice in performing treatment through pTMS confirms the effective yet gentle impact of the method on human health. In established cases of depression, in which antidepressants were the only solution, after starting the course patients refused to take medication as early as 6-7 sessions. Others are cases of panic disorder where the patient experiences fear of being alone and needs a companion to feel calm. After 3-4 weeks, the patient begins to visit the center alone for his therapy session and returns to his normal independent routine. Patients with tinnitus also experience a positive effect, with the result that the noise is noticeably reduced.

Who is pTMS suitable for and what are the risks?

Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation is well tolerated by the majority of patients, with side effects being quite rare and a small percentage of patients refusing to continue treatment for this reason.

The most common side effect is a mild headache, which usually subsides after the first sessions. Via pTMS many of the side effects that arise from antidepressant treatments and medication in general can be avoided.

Conducting a pTMS course in appropriate for a wide range of cases and patients. Противопоказания are observed only in the presence of metal elements in the skull area(electrodes, plates) or pacemaker. It is also not suitable for people with epilepsy. For this reason, a preliminary examination by a specialist neurologist is always performed to assess whether the treatment is appropriate and safe.

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Adress: Varna, "Sofia" No. 5 street